Monday, April 11, 2011

Lobster Sandwiches

I've been in the test kitchen lately, developing recipes for Select Nova Scotia's Seasonal Calendar, the Art of Cooking Local. I've been tasked with developing recipes based on one seasonal ingredient each month. I've paused on June - Lobster. I thought a fantastic lobster sandwich would be ideal, but I couldn't move forward. A lobster sandwich is an example of restraint, control, discretion. The lobster needs to shine; less is more. But it's also memorable, nostalgic and decadent. My measure, however, is an unlikely one... my grandmother loved a good lobster sandwich. The soft white bread, a touch of mayo and big, generous pieces of lobster. But she was also practical. One June day she offered to treat a handful of her grandchildren to lobster sandwiches. We piled into her VW rabbit and pulled onto the Bedford Highway, the Basin sparkling in the rear-view mirror. But before we knew it, she took a right, straight into the McDonalds parking lot. "They make the best lobster sandwiches", she said. "I hope we're not too late."

I threw out the following question last week on Facebook. The responses were numerous, but not a mention of McD's.

(The verdict? Fresh lobster meat tossed with chives, tarragon, a little mayo, sea salt, pepper and tiny pieces of chopped apple. Crunch and interest, but the lobster still shone. And the bread? Squishy? Toasted? Sourdough? Hotdog bun? I chose baguette. Cause that's what I had.)

in the test kitchen..what makes a fabulous lobster sandwich? thoughts?
April 6 at 10:42am · · ·
    • D Lots of Lobster.
      April 6 at 10:43am ·
    • V chunky lobster pieces!
      April 6 at 10:44am ·
    • C Letting the lobster be. x
      April 6 at 10:44am ·
    • V and great white bread from La Vendenne
      April 6 at 10:44am ·
    • L A bit of mayo and a fresh baguette. :) Is that sacrelige?
      April 6 at 10:45am ·
    • J warm toasted bread and lots of lobster
      April 6 at 10:47am ·
    • H lemon, mayo, soft lovely bread. now i'm hungry....
      April 6 at 11:12am ·
    • B i'm allergic .... but still think you would need a little bit of celery...
      April 6 at 11:19am ·
    • Lindsay Wilson thanks everyone! love it! will let you know how it goes...
      April 6 at 11:30am ·
    • J very small chunks of onion and celery. I like mine in a toast hot dog bun.
      April 6 at 11:35am ·
    • R It is all about the steamed bun and the right amount of mayo...God want one
      April 6 at 11:35am ·
    • M I might be too late but I like dill or mint or lemon. Something a little different to give it punch.
      April 6 at 12:03pm ·
    • M I like mine without lobster. I sometimes wonder if I am really from Nova Scotia.
      April 6 at 12:16pm ·
    • C Some Cava on the side.
      April 6 at 1:07pm ·
    • D lime jello
      April 6 at 1:25pm · · 1 person
    • D fennel
      April 6 at 1:50pm ·
    • P little mayo and a little dill....yum
      April 6 at 2:15pm ·
    • C I agree with Nicolle mayo+lemon+ crispy pancetta+chopped chives
      April 6 at 3:04pm ·
    • V A bit of curry mixed in with the mayo, crispy lettuce, really fresh French bread.
      April 6 at 4:08pm ·
    • Lindsay Wilson Oh soooo good. I think it will have to be lobster sandwich 3 ways...
      April 6 at 4:44pm ·
    • C i like a little crunch, like a tiny bit of celery... lots of pepper, not too much mayo
      April 7 at 12:25am ·
    • P sourdough bread
      April 7 at 5:34am ·
    • J tiny chunks of sour apple.
      April 7 at 10:48am ·
    • M really crispy lettuce, and very finely chopped spring onion, and a hint of dijon in the sauce. I will be happy to sample :)
      April 7 at 3:39pm ·

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